Welcome to The Kids Part! I’m Khadijah Ashworth, a legal consultant turned baker, turned homeschooler.
I love knowing things and so I love seeking to know things. I love crafting with my kids, but not nearly as much as I love ‘grown up’ crafting. I also love Arabic poetry and literature. It’s beautiful, it’s deep, and it’s more poetic than poetry in any other language.
I am connected to many lands, but I don’t belong anywhere. I am a half-English and half-Singaporean hybrid who was then raised in Saudi, hence the Arabic. I love the UK, but not as much as Singapore, and absolutely adore Riyadh. I also love Pakistan. I live with four Pakistanis, do I have a choice?
Ireland is home for now. The nature here is unmatched as well as untouched. You’ll see snippets of our lives here on my blog as well as my Instagram page.
The Kids Part is my tribute to all parents. The curious ones, the struggling ones, and the overwhelmed ones. Here I share our homeschooling journey with you, offer some advice I learnt the hard way, and the ups and downs of our multi-language experiment. I also create resources to help you along your own journey.
Welcome aboard!
When Uthman was born, we decided that I would speak English to him and my husband would speak Sindhi. English would obviously be the family language. I never really thought about teaching him Arabic as we were living in Saudi then and I had convinced myself that he would pick it up in school just like me when he starts Arabic school....
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